Ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir pada malam itu, kehadiran kamu telah menghantar satu mesej kepada kerajaan BN bahawa rakyat tidak setuju dengan kegunaan ISA. Walapun Sdri Teresa Kok dan wartawan Sinchew telah dibebaskan, tetapi dalam 'University of Kamunting'(sepertimana yang saya hujahkan dalam malam itu), ada lagi 60 lebih orang lagi masih dipenjarakan termasuk Raja Petra, Hindraf 5. Mereka semua dipenjarakan bukan kerana telah dihakim oleh Mahkamah, tetapi mereka ditahan tanpa bicara, hanya satu orang--Dato' Seri Syed Hamid, Menteri Dalam Negari yang memputuskan sama ada seseorang patut ditahan atau tidak. Kadang-kala sebab yang beliau berikan sangat melucukan, seperti wartawan sinchew 'untuk menyelamatkan dia daripada bahaya', kalau begitu, Johor Bahru yang sering berlaku perompakan, patutkah semua rakyat Johor Bahru kena ditahan dengan ISA?
Perjuagan untuk mansuhkan ISA mesti diteruskan, undang-undang ini yang zalim, tidak munasabah perlu dihapuskan dengan segera!!
I would like to thank you all of you who attended the candlelight vigil and protest against ISA. Your present has send a clear message to the government that Malaysia disagreed with ISA. Although Sdri Teresa and Sinchew reporter has been released, but there are 60+ innocent are still 'studying' in 'University of Kamunting', some of them has been there for as long as 6 years(maybe their results just too bad). Amongst the 60+, including the latest victim Raja Petra, the Hindraf 5, they never tried before an open court, under the principle of 'everyone shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty', but the 60+ may not even have committed any wrongdoing, but they are in the detention center based on a person opinion, our Home Minister, previously also our Prime Minister Pak Lah, now Dato' Seri Syed Hamid. Their opinion sometime can be absurd and unreasonable, for example, the reason given when Sinchew Reporter was arrested because 'her safety was under threat', what a dumb, absurd and pathetic reason to justify an arrest under the inhuman ISA. If that can justify the used of ISA, then Johor Bahru where its peoples were threatened by snatch theft, should all of them be 'protected' by ISA?
War against ISA must continue until such draconian law is ablolished!!
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