2009年3月25日 星期三

Dead? The ghost before me.

I received a complaint last week from one Marimuthu A/L Veerappan. His complaint was that, he couldn't apply for the new Mykad, as the record in Jabatan Pendaftaran Malaysia that his status was 'DEAD'.

I was surprised by his complaint, but without any black and white, i shouldn't have conclude on whose fault is it. Therefore, i directed my PA, Lee to do a name search with the information that the complainant has given to me. The result oif the search strike me with surprise, the status indicated 'Meninggal Dunia'. Oh, gosh, i thought to myself, 'was i talking to a ghost a few days ago?', but reasonable man would tell me, the man standing right before me that day was real with flesh and blood in his vein.

The search result also shown that the last known address was in Kedah while the complainant has cliamed that he never leave Negeri Sembilan in his life time except for the period of 1999-2005 while he was jailed in Kajang Prison.

In trying to solve the problem that he is facing, i will help him to do a Statutory Declaration, write in to JPN Director, check his record with Kajang Prison to ascertain where and when has went wrong. Gosh~still couldn't believe that ghost has spoken to me, and i can actually speak to the friends in another world.

Show consideration and respect to us, pleads Tok Batin (Kg Sebir)

SEREMBAN: Kampung Sebir Orang Asli village head, Tok Batin Uval Bujang, is unhappy with the state government for not gazetting the customary land.

The state government has the authority to gazette the land, he said.

"We are unhappy with the state government because they do not consider that the customary land rightfully belongs to us and they have been disrespectful to the elders on the Customary Board.

"The graves are proof that our community has been living here for ages and they should know that we have been conserving the land rather than destroying it," he said.

He is also angry because the developer did not seek permission from or send any notices to the Kampung Sebir community to inform them about their activities.

He added that the felling activities have destroyed some of the settlement's main sources of income.

Uval said the villagers will submit a memorandum to Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan,

"Before the country achieved independence, our ancestors were already living on the customary land, so there are some graves dating back 300 to 400 years in the old site.

"After that, the land was gazetted and we moved to the existing reserve, but many of us still depend on the produce and trees, like timber and rubber in the customary land, for income," he added.

He added that he was irked by a representative of the developer, who brazenly asked for RM500,000, to stop felling the trees in the area.

"How can they ask us for money? Who are they to do so? I told him that he had no right to put a price on the land and we would not give it up," he said.

After the incident, Uval lodged a police report followed by two more when the developer ignored him and continued to fell trees.

"The police have visited us a couple of times and they have also gone to the Land Office to investigate our claims. However, if nothing is done we are considering legal action because we cannot simply ignore the encroachment activities going on," he added.

Bukit Kepayang state assemblyman, Cha Kee Chin, said he hoped the state government would show due compassion and consideration to the community.

"Although it is stated under the National Land Code that the Orang Asli cannot claim ownership of the land they refer to as customary, some consideration should be given to this group," he said.

He explained that the code does not recognise the customary land as belonging to the Orang Asli, and the state government has the authority to revoke the status of the land.

"The Orang Asli should be given due respect for their age-old customs. For them owning a piece of land is more valuable than cash.

"They were not brought up as city-dwellers and as such, land has always been an essential part of their lives. They depend on it for shelter and food," he said.

He urged the state government to stop issuing logging licences to ensure that encroachment activities will not destroy the reserve until the issue is settled.

"It would be unfair to the Orang Asli community if licences continue to be issued. All parties should be patient and wait for the outcome," he added.

I have submitted a written question for the coming State Assembly regarding the issues in Kampung Sebir on 16 March 2009. Hopefully the question will not be rejected and thus i can get the answer that the villagers want and i can ask further oral questions in the Persidangan end of next month.

2009年3月17日 星期二



2009年3月14日 星期六

仿效雪州 公开森州行政议员收入

(芙蓉14日讯)- 武吉甲巴央区州议员谢琪清律师高度赞赏雪州民联的政府首开先例,公开大臣及州行政议员的收入。






2009年3月9日 星期一


2008年3月8日历史性的一天,我国民主进程向前推进了一大步。308前,应该没多少人会认为国阵会倒下。但是人民的力量,makkal sakti打破了这个谜思。





2009年3月6日 星期五

冒犯州议会 “霹国阵违宪”

(芙蓉4日讯) 武吉甲巴央区州议员谢琪清严厉谴责霹雳州国阵是“流氓”,他们违反联邦宪法。






