I still can remember when our Prime Minister announced petrol price hike in June, the crude oil has met its peak at USD140. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad once said, government will continue to subsidise RM0.30/little while the crude oil price at USD140 or lower.
However, crude oil price has dropped more than 50% from the time when Pak Lah raised the petrol price to RM2.70. Although Datuk Shahrir has announced decrement of the petrol price since then, but it just only a decrement of RM0.40, only 14.80%!!!
It does not required a half brain man to think logically, the actual petrol price now is surely below RM2.00, minus together RM0.30 subsidy given by the government, it might even lower than what it was before 5 June 2008!!
Beside that, i opined that government has show no cause in reducing national inflation. While we are asking since oil price has dropped, why the price of the goods sold in the market still inflating but not dropping? Many had forgotten, diesel which forms as the main fuel for most trasportation like lorries, vans or even cargo ship as well as machine to manufacture goods in the factory has risen 60+% on 5 June 2008, the cost to produce and cost of transportation has increased 60% following by that, how is it for the manufacturers gonna cut their price?
I urge the government, to help citizen in this economy difficult time, reduce petrol prices to what it should be which is below RM2.00, and reduce Diesel price back to RM1.58 at least. It is a move to lessen citizen burden in the coming economy downturn.